As individuals, we have our own way of seeing the world. Sometimes, a person’s view can differ from those around them, particularly from those who are closest to you. This is when disagreements or trouble in a relationship generally begins.
That trouble can escalate and become worse when an agreement or compromise cannot be found. Both people involved suffer in the relationship, and it may start to seem like there is no resolution in sight.
Bartlett marriage and couples counseling can help couples come to resolutions and find paths to move forward in their relationship.
We offer several different techniques to identify the strengths and weaknesses in a relationship and help each individual to learn new skills to achieve healing and open communication.
A few of the skills we teach are:
- Active listening
- Mindfulness
- Assertiveness training
- Rebuilding trust/intimacy
- Attachment issues.
If you are feeling like your relationship is not working out, then talk to us at the Bartlett IL Braden Counseling Center. We can begin a counseling program that puts you both on course for a happier, more fulfilling relationship.
Divorce Counseling in Bartlett, IL.
Unfortunately, some married couples do find themselves at an impasse.
If a marriage has truly come to an end, we can help make the separation smooth and as pain-free as possible by offering divorce mediation, counseling, and support, particularly when children are involved.
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We also offer a range of evaluations which individuals are sometimes required to provide in court:
- Custody Evaluation
- Guardianship
- Parental visitations
- Psychological evaluations
Each member of our team of counselors have received training and are fully qualified to carry out custody evaluations in Bartlett, granting us acceptance and respect in the court and legal system.
Substance Abuse Counseling
In 2015, deaths by substance use had reached 307,400, and that figure is rising each year. Watching a partner suffer from substance abuse is incredibly hard, and even harder to live alongside them. It can lead to many serious relationship problems as well as the associated health risks.
At the Braden Counseling Center, we offer a range of methods to help our clients recover from, and help prevent, further substance abuse.
We have fully trained Bartlett substance abuse counselors for those suffering from drug problems. Additionally, if you or a partner are suffering from alcohol addiction, our Bartlett alcohol counseling services are available to help put you on the road to recovery.
Our comprehensive, intensive outpatient treatment program and outpatient counseling services are available to help beat addiction and abuse.
Our team is also fully trained to administer NARCAN spray for opioid overdoses.
In addition to our individual therapy, group therapy sessions are also available which cover a broad range of subjects to help you understand substance or alcohol abuse. With a strong focus on relapse prevention, the course aims to provide skills in beating addiction.
Our aim is that everyone who completes our treatment program leaves feeling confident and equipped to leave substance abuse behind them.
Domestic Violence Counseling
Abusers do what they do for a variety of reasons. A lot of it stems from deeply rooted learned behaviors from childhood or beyond.
Our domestic violence counseling program is designed to get to the root of the abusive pattern, address it, and start to make long term changes and improvements to break the pattern of abuse.
By allowing the individual to understand how their behavior and actions lead to abuse, our clients can begin to deal with their emotions and feelings calmly and honestly.
The program consists of a two-hour evaluation session, followed by weekly group sessions. The state of Illinois mandates that a program is complete once an individual has completed 26 group sessions.
We also offer counseling for victims of abuse, and aid them in healing, moving past their traumatic experience to find safety.
A healthy and happy relationship has a foundation of respect, and it is built upon open communication with the ability to resolve conflict without turning to abuse or violence.
If abuse is not addressed, it is likely to continue. If you or someone you know is an abuser or a victim of abuse, please contact us immediately so we can help.
We make it easy to get in touch by offering:
- A free initial consultation
- Counseling
- Insurance benefits verification
- Cash and credit card payment options
Bartlett Trauma Informed Counseling/Therapy
We have staff available who are fully trained in trauma counseling.
Trauma-Informed Counseling (TIC) works by making the individual feel they are empathized with. Being heard and understood is one of the main aspects of this therapy.
During your trauma-focused therapy, we approach the situation by asking “what has happened to you?” instead of “what is wrong with you?” and then treat the client respectfully rather than as a problem.
Trauma is a profoundly complex issue and implementing a safe, therapeutic environment is vital to a person’s recovery.
Coping mechanisms for trauma can manifest in a variety of ways, not all of them beneficial. We recognize that a person will try to find the best way to deal with their trauma and the resulting emotions. Our Bartlett trauma informed therapy sessions will assist our clients by building a rapport and allowing us to work closely with them to find the most effective method for healing.
For example, one of the treatments we offer is Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy which is a psychotherapy approach that has proven effective for the treatment of trauma, especially post-traumatic stress syndrome.
Recognizing that counseling or therapy is something your relationship needs is the first step towards having a future together.
If you feel you need Bartlett trauma counseling, or couples counseling services, then please contact us now. At the Braden Counseling Center, we can start assisting you and your significant other to find a way to move forward harmoniously together.