Elgin, IL Counseling Services: Signs Your Child Might Have ADD

Elgin, IL Counseling Services- Signs Your Child Might Have ADD

Did you know that over six million children in the United States have been diagnosed with attention deficit disorder (ADD)?

For many children with ADD, life can be quite hard. If undiagnosed and without counseling services, they’re left without the support they need to thrive at home, at school, and with their peers.

So, how do you know if your child in Elgin has ADD? Keep reading to learn some of the signs of ADD in children and whether you should seek ADD treatment for your child.


One of the most common signs of ADD is inattentiveness or a lack of focus. This can also look like an inability or unwillingness to listen.

At home, your child may have a hard time processing what you’re saying when you speak to them. Perhaps they frequently forget tasks that you’ve asked them to complete, or maybe they say they can’t hear you when you call their name.

At school, this can look like daydreaming or dozing off during instructional time. They might also have difficulty following instructions or taking in new materials in the classroom.


Messy rooms, messy desks, and messy lockers abound amongst children who have ADD. Despite their best efforts, your child may struggle to keep their personal spaces, both at your Elgin home and at school, clean and tidy.

Unaware of Social Cues

Children with ADD may have a hard time following social cues from their peers.

Some children with ADD have difficulty understanding when it’s their turn to speak in a conversation, leading them to interrupt others or dominate conversations. Your child may even develop a reputation for being a “social butterfly.”

The opposite can be true as well. Some children with ADD will retreat from their peers when they’re unable to conform to the accepted social norms that other children their age conform to. They may have difficulty keeping friends and may even experience bullying at school.


People with ADD have difficulty organizing and prioritizing tasks. This can lead to procrastination or even entire tasks being left undone.

If your child has learned strong organizational skills or has a very structured environment, they might have the social and environmental supports they need to be able to avoid this. Even if they don’t habitually procrastinate, your child might still have ADD.

Depression and Anxiety

Unfortunately, for those who have ADD but are undiagnosed, life can be overwhelming and confusing. They may not understand why they behave differently than their peers. They receive less social support and positive feedback than their neurotypical peers across all areas of their life.

Over time, these stressors take their toll, and without professional support, your child may develop anxiety and/or depression. If your child is showing symptoms of either of these, they may have ADD as well.

Learning to Manage ADD in Elgin

If your child exhibits any of these behaviors, don’t worry! For many children with ADD, life can be just as manageable and rewarding as it is for their peers. It all starts with accessing proper treatment, including therapy in the Elgin area specifically designed for people with ADD.

Interested in learning more? Contact us today.