Four Common Symptoms of Clinical Depression

Clinical Depression Signs and Symptoms

Depression is a common mental illness that has affected 6.6 percent of all individuals in the United States. Despite how common depression is, many individuals are not aware of the symptoms, and signs that come with it.

It’s important that you know the common symptoms of clinical depression because if you do, you can recognize it in yourself or someone else. This makes it easier to get treatment early on so that you or your loved one can feel better.

Weight Change and Altered Appetite

One of the most physically noticeable signs of depression is a significant change in weight in a short period. This holds especially true if the individual was not trying to lose or gain weight in the first place.

A large change in weight can be because of a general loss of interest in food or turning to food as a comfort. In either case, these eating habits become unhealthy over time.


Another symptom of clinical depression that can be physically noticeable is a general loss of energy. When depression strikes, it will leave you without the energy to do basic tasks like laundry or making your bed.

You’ll likely notice that you’ll also have trouble concentrating while studying or at work as a result of your lack of energy.

This lethargy may come in waves as an individual has depressive episodes, or it could be chronic in nature. Talking to a professional will help develop strategies to gain more energy and get your life back.

Sleep Issues

Depression can also disrupt your regular sleep schedule. You may find that it is very hard to fall asleep at night, or that you aren’t able to sleep straight through the night. On the other end of the spectrum, you may find yourself unable to get up in the morning.

Of course, poor sleep habits can also affect your energy levels as mentioned above. While you can address your sleep issues through sleeping aids like melatonin and supplements like vitamin k drops, in order to address the root cause of the issue you should talk to a professional.


Finally, the last common symptom of clinical depression that you might notice is a short temper. If you become unnecessarily angry over small annoyances or obstacles, especially if you are lashing out at other people, it may be a sign of depression.

Beyond feelings of anger, this can also take the form of reckless or dangerous behavior. If you or someone you love begins to act in a way that endangers themselves or others, you should seek professional attention straight away before someone gets hurt. Another behavioral aspect that you need to be watchful for is the possibility of developing a psychosocial disability. This condition arises when an individual with per-exisiting mental heath issue (like depression) is in a social environment that poses barriers to his/her equal functionality compared to others. If this seems to be the case with you, then you might need to contact a recovery coach who can help you manage your condition so that you can live a better life.

Seek Treatment for These Common Symptoms of Clinical Depression

Depression is an illness like any other, which means that it can be treated and symptoms can be lessened. If you notice any of the above common symptoms of depression in yourself, or in a loved one, talk to your doctor about what options are available.

Our staff at the Braden Center offers counseling services that can help those suffering from depression feel better and work through the above symptoms.